mg 7341 quer



Art Direction: Fiona Oehler
Interior design: please don’t touch
Fotos: Saeeda Shabbir, Christian Overkamp


Together with our friends from please don’t touch we gave a face to the new project of the Bundeskunsthalle. “If people don’t come to the museum, the museum has to come to the people.” Following this motto, the Bundeskunsthalle has opened a small satellite location. Salon 53177 is a creative living room in Bonn with a multifaceted participatory program – from the district, for the district. The kaleidoscopic motifs reflect the diversity of the district and its population.

salon logo
mg 7341
 mg 8204 heller
mg 7994 faltenbearbeitet
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 mg 7154 kratzerfrei
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 mg 7650 240227 neu
salon 2
240125 salon plakate7
mg 7276 beschnitten

Der Salon in Bonn Bad Godesberg – aus dem Stadtteil für den Stadtteil.

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 mg 8213 heller
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