240620 b+b spinelli beitragsbild


Spacial Design
Graphic Design

Szenography, Planning: Yalla Yalla!
Photos: Yannick Wegener


In the centre of the SPINELLI residential district, five freely accessible exhibition pavilions show what this project is all about. SPINELLI NOW! is an invitation to experience a piece of the city of tomorrow today. The various highlights on the topics of urban planning, architecture, ecology, mobility and social infrastructure emphasise the special features of sustainable urban development. It’s not just about the residential neighbourhood, but also about the added value for the entire city.

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The graphic design is tailored to the modular architectural system by Yalla Yalla!

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240620 bb spinelli tafel1 1
240613 spinelli pavillions
240613 spinelli pavillion 02
240620 bb spinelli grafik1 1
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2021 22 spi geruest 2

Concept by Yalla Yalla!

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240620 bb spinelli tafel3
240620 bb spinelli tafel2
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240614 spinelli isometrie 03
240611 spinelli brochure 01
240620 bb spinelli pavillongrafik3
230501 pavillon architektur rz.indd